Tamar was born in Kanab, the daughter of William Thomas Stewart and Fannie Maria Little. She was the granddaughter of Levi Stewart. Her mother died when she was two and a half years of age and she and her two sisters were sent to live with an aunt, Mary Udall Stewart.

Tamar married Isaiah Hamblin in 1900. She was one of the several practical nurses working in Kanab providing an indispensable service in the small settlement since doctors did not stay long. She also taught school at Lee’s Ferry.

She was known to be outspoken, and a take-charge kind of person who was widely respected for her independence and concern for others. She chose to ride side-saddle, perhaps as a ceremonial gesture. One resident recalled that Tamar was always on hand to help in many ways to promote the cultural aspects of the community. She will long be remembered as one frequently called upon to write and give tributes to others through poems and articles.

When Tamar took office she was 31 yrs. old, she had five children (ages 3 to 11) and was pregnant with her sixth. In all, Tamar had eight children between 1901 and 1918. She died in 1961 and was buried in Kanab.